
Project 2

Dual axis solar tracker, Arduino Duo and linear actuator.

Last year I build my first solar tracker.  It’s a dual axis with two solar panels of 260Wp each.  The microcontroller is a Arduino Due. It runs with two linear actuators of 12volt DC.

In this video a overwiew of the Solar Tracker. When the video was shot, the tracker was still in a prototype phase. 

It has two Eurener solar panels of 260 watt each. Works on four photoresistors to track the sun. It moves on two linear actuators 12 volt DC. With the use of limit switches the tracker can stop at certain points.

Hey Hello,

Just a short announcement. Until now everything was free on my website but as you know everything costs money. This is a hobby for me but costs are rising. Now I put on the download files small amounts for download. I hope you understand this and want to support me, or just buy me a cofee
Greetings, Gunther

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Download the related Hardware files

Tutorial 01 : The metal frame

This is the first episode in a series how i build my first practical solar tracker. This episode is about the metal frame.

The related files available in hardware download

In the download file are the CAD drawings.


Tutorial 02 : lineair actuator

This is the second episodes for building a solar tracker. In this episode we take a closer look at the Linear actuator.


Tutorial 03 : Sensor Array

In this episode we take a look at the sensor array. With this array the solar tracker knows the position of the sun and adjusts its position.

The related files available in hardware download

In the download button are the Eagle & Gerbers files.


Tutorial 04 : Mounting the solarpanels

This episode is about mounting the solarpanels


Tutorial 05 : Basic Arduino program




Tutorial 06 : The power board


The related files available in hardware download

In the download button are the Eagle & Gerbers files.


Build your own solartracker of my designs and build a better one.