Thank you for visiting my website. This site is dedicated to building solar trackers. I build my first practical solar tracker. It’s a dual axis with two solar panels of 260Wp each. The microcontroller is a Arduino Due. It runs with two linear actuators of 12volt DC. You can find this in project2
My latest video
I was going through my files and all came across a video file of a time lapse of my very first solar tracker in 2014. Controlled by a Arduino uno and the tracker made off Lego blocks. The motors were driven by an h-bridge.
Just a short announcement. Until now everything was free on my website but as you know everything costs money. This is a hobby for me but costs are rising. Now I put on the download files small amounts for download. I hope you understand this and want to support me, or just buy me a cofee Greetings, Gunther